Thursday, January 20, 2011

So much wrong with this minute long

If my girl was built like a brick shit house I wouldn't let her go out like I DEFINITELY wouldn't let her get anywhere near a group of rappers. She knew what she was doing when she put that outfit on. Women know the effect that spandex pants have on men(and the way it makes their asses and thighs look perfect.)
Not only that but her cleavage was out(a personal favorite of mine)....what did she expect?

But the other part of the video is the way these guys act when they see her. You would think they'd never seen a good looking girl before. The only one that kept his composure was French(the light skinned dude if you don't know) he just calmly called her over and posed for the picture. The other guys lost their minds. One dude even went as far as to lick his finger and slide it down her breast(I would've wanted to do that but I wouldn't have acted on Its obvious that dude isn't used to being around women(pretty ones at least) because he didn't know how to act. Guys like this ruin it for the rest of us.....How can I approach a woman who has had men act like that in her presence? She'll be too cynical to even listen to what I'm saying.

And her man.....He looks like one of them black talking white dudes and he's with HER?! Whenever I see them type of dudes(wiggers) with bad spanish broads(like the one in this video)it burns my Why did he let her approach 10 dudes dressed like that? If I was a rapper and a woman looking like that came up to me I would think she was a groupie(Its just the way I think. Sue me). Then he proceeds to yell at them and they start copping pleas(???) They don't really get loud till he's out camera-shot....

What a cluster-fuck.

But I'm tired of typing.

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